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A Good Weekend

This past weekend was my wife’s birthday. Actually, today is her birthday but since it is a Monday we celebrated this weekend. With the exception of the incident on Saturday night it was a good weekend for us both.

We didn’t so anything lavish or wild; we just had a good time. Saturday night we went to her parents house for her birthday dinner. They showed us the pictures from their must recent cruise to Europe and shared their adventures. We have to get over there more than ever now. After seeing the pictures and hearing the stories part of me wonders if I was born on the wrong continent.

Yesterday, we went to lunch and then off to get her hair done. The appointment took over four hours to finish up. She and the hairdresser had a grand old-time talking. Toward the end I even got involved. LOL.

When we were done at the hairdresser, we stopped and got a bite to eat and a drink before heading off to see a movie to end our weekend. We saw ‘Snow White and the Huntsman’. It was a decent movie, but they could have shaved about thirty minutes from it without losing anything. Ohhh, we found out that the woman who played Bella in the Twilight series has at least a little acting ability. She did well in at least a few scenes.

Posted: June 4th, 2012 under Thoughts.

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