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The Easy Road is Not Always the Best Road

Every day we need to make a lot of decisions. Most decisions we are required to make have little impact on our lives, but we need to make them. What we eat for dinner, what shirt we wear , etc are examples of these trivial decisions.

Then there are the decisions that do impact our lives in a significant way. Who we marry or do not marry, what job we take or turn down are a few examples of these larger decisions.

When we are faced with these larger decisions they can be very difficult and stressful. These larger decisions often have at least one choice that is difficult and one that is easy. Times like this tempt us to always take the easiest path available. After all, it is easy. No one wants to complicate their life and possibly add stress to it.

The only problem with always choosing the easy road is that we may miss out on some valuable opportunities to learn and grow. We may also miss out on some greater rewards by taking the easy road.

To quote Robert Frost’s “The Road not Taken“,

Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.

Sometimes in life we need to take the road less traveled and not take the easiest path.

Posted: October 26th, 2011 under Helpful Tips, Thoughts on Mental Health.

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