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Just Another Shit Day

I am still in bed at 1:30p today. I have only been up to have a few sips of soda and go to the bathroom. I have no desire to get up. I can’t even watch tv because I have no tv in this room. Obviously, I called out of work today.
Thank goodness for huge time differences, I called Debra last night at 4:30a which was 6:30 or 7:30p for her and cried for over an hour. I don’t know how she puts up with it or me. I suppose it’s because when she tells me it’s because she is my friend and loves me, it is true, of that I have never had doubts. I don’t know she feels helpless and has no idea how to help me but knowing she is there, loves me and cares means a lot. It’s also good her being on the other side of the world at times like this, though I wish we could talk more often.
My friend Mary is another dear friend that I know loves me and cares about me as a friend. Her life is always busy and she is fed up with the net. Like me she seems to have a good run of bad luck, even worse than mine because her problems normally are worse. So as a result we almost never see each other.
Last, but definitely not least there is ‘A’. Out of all the people I know and consider dear and precious friends, she is the only one I know who truly understands me and has not only been there but been there worse than me I would wager. She and I may rarely ever have time to talk, she has shown me that she cares and that she is my friend. When she said she believed in me to get through this the other day, it made such a positive difference for me. It is so good to know that she is around even if we can’t spend time talking, just knowing helps, because I can still feel her concern and caring.
Even though I have little time to talk to any of them,it is still wonderful knowing that their love, concern and friendship is there for me, especially now. That if I reach out to them when I fall or start to fall they will do their best to catch me.
I am honored and blessed

Posted: July 22nd, 2008 under My Journey.

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